It’s time to be honest…

I’ve decided to be vulnerable again, so here we go!

When we decided to get pregnant, I thought this pregnancy would be an avenue into building my business, exercising daily, eating right and so much more. I had huge dreams!

I like to think we all have this perception of how pregnancy will be. It will be easy, it will be fun, I will be fit. Etc, etc, etc.

For me, my vision of pregnancy hasn’t been all that.

I have quite literally been exhausted. Exhausted to the point of sleeping for at least one of each of my days off. Exhausted to the point of getting home and going straight to bed each night. Exhausted to the point of not wanting to do anything, anytime. Therefore, I am not exercising.

And food? Ha! These boys want almost nothing to do with food. Forget meat, because the smell alone nauseates me. Certain textures make me gag. There’s nothing more these boys want than breakfast foods. Needless to say, my nutrition has been nothing less than awful.

One thing I do want to mention is the amount of emotions I’m carrying with me. I know I seem really tough on the outside but, on the inside I’m really a huge baby. Pictures from 2007 make me cry, I’m beating myself up constantly for not being able to stay on track nutritionally, I’m regretting every single workout I’m missing, I’m mad at myself for failing my business. And most of all, I’m overwhelmed with the amount of things we need to do before babies arrive.

Here’s to hoping the next trimester will be better, easier, less exhausting? And here’s to always being open and honest.

XO – Sabrina

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Regular Ruiz's

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